Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Typeface Portrait

This was done using different letters and characters from PT Sans Narrow and Skia Regular

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Helvetica Writing Assignment

The font type of Helvetica was made in the year 1957, in Münchenstein, Switzerland. The The name helvetica comes from the latin word helvetcia, which is the latin word fro Switzerland. Helvetica's original name was Die Neue Haas Grotesk. The helvetica type font can be seen in almost any location like on the sign for a subway stop or street poster reminding people to clean up after their dogs. Four designers that appeared in the film were:
The design style that helvetica brought to popularity was the Swiss Design Style.

Three design styles that followed the creation and use of helvetica are:

  • Swiss Design movement
  • Modernism
  • Post-Modernism 
One insight from the film was how a messages meaning or what emotion ti expresses can be drastically altered by the font it is written in.